Visual Micro 2024.0102.2203 2024.01.12
трофей выложен)
Visual Micro 2024.0102.2203 2024.01.12
трофей выложен)
Visual Micro - Release 2024.0223.00 - 5th March 2024 - VS 2017, 2019, 2022
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Visual.Micro.Arduino.Studio_2024_0223_2200.rar - pCloud
протестирован на Visual Studio 22 Community
кому интересно надо докопаться до этой функции, и чутка ее поправить)
.method public hidebysig instance bool
ProductActivated(string productId) cil managed
// Code size 7 (0x7)
.maxstack 1
.locals init ( [0] bool CS$1$0000)
L_0000: nop
L_0001: ldc.i4.1
L_0002: stloc.0
L_0003: br.s L_0005
L_0005: ldloc.0
L_0006: ret
// Размер кода: 61 (0x3d)
// .maxstack 2
// .locals init (int32 V_0,
// bool V_1,
// bool V_2,
// bool V_3)
// IL_0000: nop
// IL_0001: ldarg.0
// IL_0002: ldarg.1
// IL_0003: callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
// IL_0008: call instance int32 Visual.Micro.Utils.LicenseShared.ActivationManager::getProductIndex(string)
// IL_000d: stloc.0
// IL_000e: ldloc.0
// IL_000f: ldc.i4.m1
// IL_0010: ceq
// IL_0012: stloc.1
// IL_0013: ldloc.1
// IL_0014: brfalse.s IL_001b
// IL_0016: nop
// IL_0017: ldc.i4.0
// IL_0018: stloc.2
// IL_0019: br.s IL_003b
// IL_001b: ldsfld bool[] Visual.Micro.Utils.LicenseShared.ActivationManager::registrationChecked
// IL_0020: ldloc.0
// IL_0021: ldelem.u1
// IL_0022: ldc.i4.0
// IL_0023: ceq
// IL_0025: stloc.3
// IL_0026: ldloc.3
// IL_0027: brfalse.s IL_0031
// IL_0029: ldarg.0
// IL_002a: ldarg.1
// IL_002b: call instance bool Visual.Micro.Utils.LicenseShared.ActivationManager::CheckValidLicense(string)
// IL_0030: pop
// IL_0031: ldsfld bool[] Visual.Micro.Utils.LicenseShared.ActivationManager::registrationLicenseStates
// IL_0036: ldloc.0
// IL_0037: ldelem.u1
// IL_0038: stloc.2
// IL_0039: br.s IL_003b
// IL_003b: ldloc.2
// IL_003c: ret
} // end of method ActivationManager::ProductActivated
@MMM напомнил про VisualMicro, пошел вылечил и пересобрал последний.
потестил, работает.
кому нада тут
Visual Micro - Release 2024.0926.01 - 10th October 2024 - VS 2017, 2019, 2022
Fix: CLI: Prevent errors when input is redirected when it is being called from another application/environment (e.g. Jenkins).
Fix: Atmel-ICE Debugging: Debug > Start Debugging now doesn't automatically halt on reset as it could leave the board halted and UI in a seemingly hung state
Fix: Micro Explorer: Failed to parse ClearCore board package JSON due to Brotli Encoding. Clicking Check for Updates in Micro Explorer's Board Manager Tab after this build will fix the index and allow the boards to show correctly/be installed. (https://www.teknic.com/files/downloads/package_clearcore_index.json).
Fix: Google Coral Micro + WiFi has issues copying and uploading Data files, resolved with additional overrides and changes to existing patterns in the 1.0.1 package.
VisualMicro, пошел вылечил и пересобрал последний.
потестил, работает.
кому нада пишите в личку, скину.
Visual Micro - Release 2025.0120.03 - 11th February 2025 - VS 2017, 2019, 2022
Fix: Open Existing Arduino Project now correctly includes all source files from the Project folder selected, without needing to enable Tools > Options > Compile ALL Project Sources (Reported Here)
Fix: Tip for Tools > Options > Compile ALL Project Sources amended to correctly show Default:False
Visual Micro - Release 2025.0120.02 - 7th February 2025 - VS 2017, 2019, 2022
Fix: Rollback of Previous Fix below due to further issues being caused with some projects:
Library Compilation: Ensure correct libraries are used when there are dummy libraries missing headers involved (e.g. Teknic ClearCore with SD Library) (Reported Here)
Fix: Ensure Board Package JSON files are valid, and if from GitHub URL failover to RAW Content URL. Affects Unofficial 3rd Party URLs and User Entered URL's (Reported Here)
Fix: Ensure ESP32 OTA Upload works for Packages > 3.0 (Reported Here and Here)
Fix: Ensure when dot_a_linkage is written out to library.properties as part of AutoPrecompile, it is in lowercase (else True != true when reparsing) (Reported Here)
Fix: Improve Error Output when #include is found with Illegal Characters In Path (only happens when Serial Debug is enabled) (Reported Here)
Fix: Ensure FileSystemWatcher uses Rename events as well as LastWrite, due to how VS Saves files internally (Reported Here, and anecdotally in other threads)
Fix: HWDebugger: Arduino Portenta H7: Add STLinkv1/2/3 Option for Debugging H7 Core (No Debug available via HLA_SWD for M4 Core) (Reported Here)
Fix: Remove "vMicro > Add Code > Import Local Arduino Core (Pro)" as it causes issues with multiple boards. Use "arduino-portable" folders instead.
Fix: ESP32 Publish Server Data Files failed when PartitionScheme=Custom is selected (blank entry), even though valid files are available in the build folder (Reported Here)
Fix: ESP32 Publish Server Data Files: Failed to identify FFAT Partition if it had a name other than ffat. Now only needs SubType of fat/spiffs as per specification (Reported Here)
Fix: IDE Locations: Improve validation of fields to ensure if erroneous URL is entered the warning is still shown to the user (previously the error only showed for folder paths, not URL's etc).
Fix: Portable Solution: Ensure when Portable Solution is in use, any properties loaded from default location (e.g. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15) are fully refreshed else default properties are shown on board menu until the board is re-selected (Reported Here)
Fix: Compiler: Ensure Compilation paths do not use escaped backslashes+quoting for SeekFree Board Package ensuring case-sensitive paths work correctly (Reported Here)
Upvoted Intellisense Issue for SeekFree Boards (and any Case Sensitive Folder) currently with Microsoft.
Package Index: Updated internal copy to latest for new Installs, and avoids Incorrect Tool Selection if multiple present (Reported Here)